The Complete Guide For Lightworkers!
A Lightworker is quite simply someone who works with light and energy, light-worker.
Lightworkers are humans who feel the call to be a shining light in the world; to serve humanity, earth, and the unfolding ascension. Individuals who feel called to spiritual missions to promote love, peace, harmony and healing in the world.
The commitment of a lightworker, is to work with light to make a difference through shining light, embodying their authentic truth, and serving in any number of forms. Lightworkers aren’t just channels and spiritual teachers. They can be found shining their light in just about every profession you can imagine.
Before you decide whether you’re a lightworker or not… Let’s take a deeper look at what lightworkers really are in the first place.
Lightworkers~ The Complete Online Guide
Chapter 1: What Are Lightworkers Really?
Chapter 2: How Do You Know If You’re A Lightworker?
Chapter 3: How do you get started doing “Light Work”?
Chapter 4: The 11 Types of Lightworkers- How Lightworkers Gifts Manifest
BONUS: “Are You A Lightworker?” Infographic
Chapter 1
What Are Lightworkers Really?
On the simplest level, lightworkers are souls who are driven to spread light—or in other words love, freedom, knowledge, and understanding.
They are human beings who have awakened to their higher spiritual purpose, to shine light in the world and raise the vibration of humanity and earth.
Really, anyone who is driven to be a shining light on Earth, to raise the vibration of the planet and to answer the call of the light over the doubt and fear of the ego is, whether they know it or not, a lightworker.
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Lightworkers feel driven to seek a deep understanding of the Earthly experience, which can only be gained by living it themselves. These souls are significantly older than most that are found on Earth, and many were even present at the creation of Earth.
But lightworkers often are not aware of who or what they are. In fact, they are limited by the same pitfalls and binds that the rest of Earth’s population faces, and they must go through the same process of spiritual awakening to reach self-discovery and actualization. Only then will they be empowered to fulfill their purpose of helping others as a lightworker.
Chapter 2
How Do You Know If You Are A Lightworker?
Really, whether you are a light-worker or not is something that you can only determine by looking within. Do you work with light and energy? If you, you’re a lightworker whether you consciously claim and resonate with the term or not.
You do it by awakening, reconnecting with your authentic soul light, and tuning into information about whether your soul mission is to shine light into the world.
Look within and try to understand: are you here to help awaken humanity and to help the earth through this ascension process? The earth is transforming into a new paradigm. We’re moving away from the older paradigm of fear, manipulation, greed, and materialism into a new dawn of awakened co-creation, love, harmony, and peace.
If this sounds like a stretch to you, that’s okay. When you go within, open your heart, and tune into your light, you will be able to determine for yourself if this is a part of your mission.
5 Core Traits of Lightworkers
Lightworkers can be hard to identify because they have many qualities that are common among other people too. But for lightworkers, these traits are more than just preferences. They are traits that drive them from a very core level.
A sense of being an outsider
Lightworkers often have a strong sense that they’re different. That although they’re a human being, they really don’t belong here on Earth. This can manifest as a feeling of otherness, isolation, or even homesickness. Lightworkers may often feel that they are on the outside looking in. Many lightworkers have a deep underlying feeling of “wanting to go home”.
High sensitivity
Lightworkers are driven to understand the world better by seeking out extreme experiences. With this experience comes great empathy, which causes them to feel what others feel very deeply.
Along with this, lightworkers have a stronger sensitivity to the energies around them. They are especially sensitive to negativity, and it wears on them. It may be difficult for them to deal with people who are angry or aggressive.
As a result of this drain on their energy, lightworkers have a need for frequent time alone so they can decompress and recover.
A rebellious nature
Lightworkers do not fit into traditional authority models or modern workplace structures, and they do not feel comfortable in them, either. This is largely due to their anti-authoritarian nature.
While lightworkers may seem timid or shy, don’t underestimate them—internally, they have a strong resistance to anything that places value on power or hierarchy, and this prompts a rebellious streak.
A tendency toward expression, development, and spirituality
Lightworkers are often driven to expression and development, both for themselves and others.
They are very likely to find an outlet writing or in the arts to express themselves, and also to serve as a voice for humanity at large. It’s also common for lightworkers to be drawn to activities that nurture their spirituality. This can be anything from meditation to spending time in nature, to self-help books.
A drive to help others
This trait is rooted in lightworkers’ high sensitivity and empathetic nature, and they are often found in career paths that enable them to do so, such as teaching, therapy, or nursing.
When lightworkers are enlightened and self-actualized, they recognize this drive as their true purpose in life, and find their own fulfillment in guiding others to enlightenment.
So… Are you a lightworker?
There is a high frequency of these old souls throughout the world, so you very well could be a lightworker yourself. And if you don’t feel you yourself are a lightworker, you’ve definitely had moments of living like one by simply helping another, choosing to do what you felt was right in the moment, or getting involved in a social or planetary cause.
There could be other signs, too… Like constantly seeing number sequences, finding feathers on your path, or having the ability to see auras. All of these can be signs you are a lightworker, waiting to awaken to your inner truth.
Lightworkers are real people, although they have a deep soul history of serving others, they’re not somehow superior or greater than other people.
Lightworkers are indeed unique in their purpose and gifts. But don’t mistake uniqueness for superiority—we all possess uniqueness and gifts of our own, and in the end there are many paths through life… All offering unique learning, growth and service opportunities, but none are “better” than others because ultimately we’re all one.
Chapter 3
How do you get started doing “Light Work”?
To phrase this question a little bit differently to help provide you with some clarity.
“How do you start taking action that is in alignment with your soul purpose and mission?”
First and foremost, your purpose as a Lightworker is to awaken.
You have a soul history of mastery. You have gifts, abilities, wisdom, and light that the world needs for you to share now. It’s key for you to awaken to these gifts and to your power. You must awaken to your authentic truth.
Focus on:
- Meditation
- Expansion
- Opening your heart, tuning into your heart light and letting it expand around you
- Raising your vibration
- Letting your consciousness expand and elevate so that you link with your higher self, Guides, Angels, and Ascended Masters who can give you further guidance on your path.
In addition, service is so important for all light workers. It’s why you’re here, not to get caught up in the illusion, materialism, and the 3D world! Serve, love, and shine! Through this, make a difference and help all of humanity to transition out of the lower densities into higher levels of light.
How Can You Serve?
There so many different ways that your work as a Lightworker can manifest. It’s important to let your main focus be to shine your unique flavor of light. Don’t try to be like someone else, don’t try to mimic. Enter inward, quiet your mind, open your heart, and tune into the light flowing along your spine.
Let this light expand around you. Tune into your aura and let it fill with light, tune into your light body and expand even further. Elevate your vibration, expand your consciousness, link with the guidance that is available to you, and then take action in alignment with your inspiration.
Try to align with the answer to the question, “How may I serve?” When you’re just starting out, this may be as simple as smiling, as sending silent blessings to people when you pass them on the street. And then as you progress in your connection with your higher self and Guides, it can evolve into doing specific light work. Perhaps light missions to help with the ascension of humanity and earth and to help usher in this wave of positivity, love, joy and co-creation.
Understand that the earth has been plagued by negativity, density, and darkness. Lightworkers are here to swing the pendulum far the other way. They are here to embody light, peace, and truth. To awaken and share this high vibrational energy, an expanded sense of consciousness, and light with the world.
If you’re just embarking down this path and waking up as a Lightworker, and you’re just learning to connect with your guides, angels and your higher self, know that being a Lightworker can be as simple as shining light.
Sometimes sharing positivity, being kind and compassionate, helping, serving, and loving others is the perfect service. This is light work! Being a decent human being with the specific intention to serve humanity, to uplift the world, and embody your authenticity is enough.
Chapter 4
How Lightworkers Gifts Manifest- The 11 Types of Lightworkers
Because service is so essential for Lightworkers, I’ve categorized the many ways lightworkers serve into 11 different areas.
Light work takes many forms… Learn the 11 Types of Lightworkers in this video! Prefer to read? Keep scrolling down…
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11 Types of Lightworkers
Use your intuition to discover your unique lightworker gifts… And yes, you can and likely have more than one!
Gridworkers and Gatekeepers
These are Lightworkers who are working with the grids on Gaia. This could be the human heart grid that connects the hearts of all awakened humans. It could be the actual grids on the earth that connect sacred sites through lay lines. It could also be higher energetic grids like the crystalline grid. There is clearing work,
Gatekeeping is a more advanced form of grid work in which you work with your team to open interdimensional gates to allow higher levels of light and love in.
Divine Lightkeepers
These are Lightworkers whose core mission (or a huge part of their mission) is to embody the light. They are here to retain a higher vibrational frequency and presence despite whatever is happening in the external. During tumultuous times and chaotic events, these Lightkeepers are consciously focusing on embodying the light and expanding it out beyond them in order to neutralize challenges and density. They uplift humanity and support us all in the unfolding awakening process.
Transmuters dive into the negativity in order to transmute it and release it into the light. This returns the negativity to divine neutrality; returning it to presence and balance. Transmuters maybe working on behalf of the collective consciousness and all humanity by transmuting past karma.
There are also a lot of Lightworkers who are transmuting along their ancestral lines. You may have chosen to be born into an ancestral line that has a lot of negative karma, so that you can release, dissolve, heal, and help your entire ancestral line to vibrationally level up. Which in turn helps all of humanity.
Healers serve humanity, the earth, animals, all souls, and all beings. Healing can take so many different forms. It can be mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual. There are so many different modalities. If you are a Healer, listen to your internal guidance about the modalities, techniques, and ways that you can be of service through your gift. The work of healing as a Lightworker also includes yourself. You’re raising your vibration and filling yourself up with light so you can then heal, support, serve, love and guide others.
Seers, Psychics, Clairvoyants
These are Lightworkers who have opened their third eye or their psychic sight to see beyond the physical; beyond the veil of illusion. This gift can take many forms. You can provide readings or services to inspire, empower, and help guide others. You can also look for areas where healing, transmutation, or release are needed and focus your energy there. This is where your light, power, and presence can most make a difference.
Divine Blueprint Holders
All of us have a unique divine blueprint; a template for your fully awakened self. All Lightworkers have this template, but the Divine Blueprint Holders are actively tuning into it and retrieving the codes of awakening that are unique to them. This way, they embody their codes and send them forth through the crystalline grid, the human heart grid, through service, or love in any form.
The Divine Blueprint Holders are tuning in to their fully awakened being and shining this forth. This gift also includes the divine blueprint for the awakened earth and humanity. Tune into this awakened template and call it forth to bring ascension into the present moment that is right here and now.
Dreaming, transmuting through dreams, interdimensional travel, going into the dream space all allow you to access alternate dimensions of experience. Dreamtime is real, so pay attention!
What are the symbols in your dreams? Write them down. Meditate on them. Every time you remember a dream, take time to ponder it and take some truth away. What could the higher dimensional manifestation of that dream be? If you dream that you are going to school, the higher dimensional correlation means that you are, in your dreamtime, studying and leveling up. You’re taking on new skills and gifts as a soul so that you can be of more service.
There is so much light work that happens during dreamtime. Before you go to sleep, set the intention to do light work and connect with your higher self. Ask your Angels to reveal to you what you most need to know and then pay attention! Dreaming is an incredible opportunity to grow and learn.
A Lightworker who is receiving guidance and messages from the Divine, Angels, Ascended Masters, Galactics, and your higher self is a Messenger. Share these messages through videos, blogging, teaching, or writing. Whatever the media, whatever the form, Messengers receive guidance from Spirit and pass it on in order to serve humanity and the awakening process. Learn more about being an angel messenger here!
Divine Blueprint Creators and Manifestors
These are the Lightworkers who are actively involved in weaving light in order to manifest positive changes on the earth. This could come in the form of intending and manifesting positive timelines. It could come in the form of manifesting positive events or creating the template for greater love, greater light, or harmonious co-creation. Divine Blueprint Creators manifest not only for self interest and self gain, but also for the highest interest of all beings, Gaia, animals, and all of humanity.
This is manifestation in its highest form. These Lightworkers manifests collectively for the highest interest of all. This is powerful.
Ascension Guides
These are people who are ascending. They are stepping into greater levels of light and sharing what they’re learning about the ascension process. They show us how to overcome some of the pitfalls and how to tune into the blessings in order to help everyone who has the opportunity to ascend.
Wayshowers are Lightworkers who are walking their walk. They are showing the way! Perhaps they aren’t consciously teaching as Ascension Guides are, but rather embodying the ascension process, and living in their highest authenticity. They live awakened, inspired lives, keeping the highest interest of all beings in mind.
Being a Lightworker?
When it comes to Lightwork and identifying which one you are, know that it’s highly likely that you’ll embody many of these traits. Pay attention to your inner guidance. Trust your intuition about how you can be of service.
I love to continually ask, “How may I be of service?” When you ask this question, you get an answer. Listen to your internal guidance, take action, keep shining your light, and make a positive difference in the world in whatever way you’re able to.
This is being a Lightworker. It doesn’t mean you have to be on camera. You don’t have to be on stage. You don’t even have to be a spiritual teacher. You can be an Undercover Lightworker if that is where you’re feeling called or where you are right now. You can live a normal looking life, work a corporate job, or play in a mainstream area of reality. You just simultaneously shine vibrantly; loving and supporting others, being of service, creating positivity in the world.
Are You A Lightworker? -Infographic!
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