Understand And Develop Your Psychic Abilities
Psychic abilities like clairvoyance, clairaudience, seeing auras, precognition, psychometry, telepathy, channeling, spiritual healing, astral travel, out of body experiences are not the spiritual gifts of a select few.
Psychic abilities can be learned and developed by all.
Everyone perceives psychic information a bit differently. Here you will learn the main ways that your extrasensory perception and intuitive gifts may appear, along with how to further hone and develop your psychic gifts.
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Clairaudience – Clear Hearing
When you psychically hear, the information you’re tuning into may appear to come from outside of you, like when you’re listening to someone else talk.
Psychically hearing however, is usually much more subtle, and may be easy to shrug off as your own inner voice.
You may also be able to hear your angels singing, tune into high-pitched tones, or frequency vibrations along with hearing guidance, insight, and even warnings.
Learn more about clairaudience here!
Clairvoyance – Clear Seeing
Clairvoyance, or psychic seeing is one of the most commonly known psychic senses. However it is also greatly misunderstood.
Seeing psychically does not necessarily mean having dramatic psychic visions, or seeing dead people as illustrated in Hollywood movies and on TV.
Psychic sight is usually very subtle. You may receive information similarly, to how a memory plays in your mind. You also might see symbols, colors, or shapes that hint towards a deeper meaning.
Sometimes, clairvoyance does manifest as clear visions, as seeing angels, ghosts, or dreaming and getting a glimpse of the future.
Read about how to become clairvoyant here!
Clairsentience – Clear Feeling
Clairsentience is the ability to tune into psychic information through feelings, emotions, and actual physical sensations.
Validation may come in the form of an overwhelming feeling of love or joy. A feeling of dread or just feeling uncomfortable on the other hand, may signal a warning, or a “No” response to a question.
You may also feel the presence of Spirit, your angels, loved ones in Heaven, or even lower vibrational entities.
Click here to learn more about clairsentience!
Claircognizance – Clear Knowing
When you simply know something to be true, without any outside evidence or knowing why you know, you’re tuning into the psychic sense of claircognizance.
Claircogniance, or the inner sense of knowing can be tuned into to receive accurate and specific messages and guidance from the realms of spirit.
You may suddenly know the answer to a question, receive a download of information or just tune into clear insight and understanding into the past, present, or future surrounding a situation.
This psychic sense is sometimes called prophecy, when someone just knows profound and true Divine guidance without any proof or validation.
Clairalience – Clear Smelling
When you smell things outside of your normal physical sense of smell, you’re tuning into clairalience.
Common scents include perfume or smoke from a deceased loved one, the sweet floral scent of your angels, or a hopeful fragrance nudging you in the right direction.
In some cases, you may smell the rotten stench of a lie or the deception of a lower vibrational being.
Clairalience is a less commonly known psychic sense. It often appears in conjunction to another sense like seeing, feeling or knowing.
Learn more about clairalience here!
Clairgustance – Clear Tasting
An inner sense of taste not tied to anything you’ve smelled or eaten in the physical, s known as clairgustance.
Ever heard the expression “it left a bad taste in my mouth”? This is a wonderful example of clairgustance.
You may get a “bad taste in your mouth” as a warning to shift your thinking, as insight into a person or situation or as a warning that you’re headed down the wrong path. Other times a sweet taste will bring validation.
Deceased loved sometimes use this inner sense as a calling card, and way of identification. So if your grandmother loved chocolate cake, you may get the inner sense and taste of chocolate cake as a calling card that she’s with you. Or course, if you’re eating chocolate cake, it’s an entirely different reason!
Through these main psychic senses, spiritual gifts like intuition, psychometry, channeling, mediumship, telepathy, remote viewing, medical intuition, and more can be developed, honed, and experienced.
Everyone has the potential for psychic abilities but for many, these abilities and skills have been blocked out over the years by layers of density, thought, doubt, and limiting belief. The blessing in this, is that the ability has been there all along, and with intention and persistence, psychic abilities can be activated, developed, and awakened now.
Everyone has, and can develop their psychic ability.
In saying this however, I do not mean that everyone is meant to be a professional psychic or energy healer. If you’re not drawn at all to develop psychically, what are you drawn to learn and create?
To accomplish your life purpose you may be more suited to learn physical tangible skills, if so, go with this!
But even if you are meant to work within the more tangible, physical realms, by opening psychically you can enhance your other skills, clearly know your path, and open to experience the higher consciousness of your multidimensional self regardless of whether you ever use this ability to ‘read’ or ‘interpret’ psychic information about others.
If you are drawn to become a ‘psychic’ in all meanings of the word, there’s a reason for it… Here are ways to develop your psychic abilities now!
7 Tips to Develop Your Psychic Abilities
1. Meditation
You’ve probably heard this before… But if you want to psychically develop, meditation really is key. When you train your mind to be still and calm through meditation, you’re able to allow higher information to flow through you. The simple truth is, you’re already receiving psychic information throughout your day, but if you’re not taking the time to meditate, and clear your mind, you may be missing it.
If you’ve tried meditating in the past, and felt your just couldn’t do it, know that there are many ways to meditate. You don’t just have to sit there and command your mind to be still. If you’re struggling to quiet your mind, try an active meditation like walking in nature, counting to ten, or one of my favorites breathing consciously in two’s!
Breathe in, and half way through your in breath, pause for a second… Then breathe in the rest of the way. When you exhale, pause half way through your out breathe for a few seconds, then exhale completely, and repeat the process. When you give your mind the focus of pausing with each breath, other thoughts are much more naturally and easily released.
Meditation is a skill which is developed over time, so don’t worry if your mind chimes in and your thoughts wander at first. Aim to meditate for a minute to start, then work your way up to five. When your thoughts do pop in, don’t worry… Just release them into the light and return your focus to your breath.
From within the still and calm of mediation, psychic insight, knowing and inspiration can shine through.
Learn more about Psychic Meditation here!
Or click here for a free Psychic Meditation!
2. Trust and Go With The Flow
Gut feelings are there for a reason, and can offer a basis for further developing your intuition when you pay attention, and listen to how you feel.
Feelings are the language of the soul, while words are the language of the mind and ego. When it comes to developing your intuition, and psychic ability, a feeling really is worth 1000 words.
Pay attention to your gut feelings, and act upon them. Trust that you are able to develop psychically and believe that you’re already receiving psychic information because, well… You are!
Trust is a signal you send out to the universe which builds up your vibration and aligns you with more clarity and certainty. Every bit of trust returns to you multiplied through validation and through real psychic experience.
Another important facet of trusting in your abilities, is not to try to prove yourself to anyone. I would recommend avoiding skeptics and naysayers when you’re developing, because their doubt can actually block your clarity. Just let yourself develop, and enjoy your connection, as there is much goodness in this which awaits.
If you feel blocked psychically, honor that. Take a break to replenish yourself, rejuvenate your spirit, and return to whatever you’re trying to tune into later. Sometimes psychic impressions do appear on demand, and other times, the clearest guidance pops in on a whim, when you’re really not even looking for it.
Don’t force yourself… this is meant to be fun, uplifting, and playful. If you’re not feeling the fun and goodness, take a break, and return to it when you’re once replenished energetically, and you’ll be all the better for it.
3. Ask For Protection, Work With Your Guides
One of the reasons you want to keep your energy around psychic development fun, playful, and light, is because there are lower vibrational energies which you can, but I really don’t recommend you tune into.
If you’re coming from a perspective of love, joy, and gratitude you’ll attract only the most benevolent and uplifting guides. But when coming from a state of fear, guilt, or anger… You can attract all sorts of dense energies which will only cause problems for you.
For this reason, calling in protection is always recommended when tuning into receive psychic information from the realms of spirit. There are many ways to protect yourself psychically, practice with them, and find a way which works best for you.
The most common way to protect psychically is to shield. Specifically, a psychic shield of white light can be called in and placed around you at any time with a simple intention. Imagine you’re surrounded with an orb, or shield of white light, which is brightly shining all around you. This light pushes out and dissolves any negativity or density into the light, while allowing pure, uplifting, and helpful guidance to shine through.
If you feel you’re in a lower vibration, call in a shield of white light, and I would also really recommend taking a break to get yourself in a higher vibration before you proceed. It’s well worth the effort, as density attracts the like. Take a break, have some fun, connect with nature, relax and refresh…
If you’re having trouble clearing your energy, perhaps you have absorbed some negativity or density, call on your Spirit Guides and Angels who are always there to assist you, so don’t be afraid to ask.
‘I now call upon my Highest, Most Loving Spirit Guides and Angels of the Light who can most serve… Please come in, clear my energy with Light of the Divine. Release negativity from my vibration in all it’s many forms and uplift my energy with direct Love and Light from the Divine.”
Click here to learn more about psychic protection!
4. Opening Your Chakras and Allowing Your Energy to Flow
Your chakra energy centers interpret, and translate direct Divine light and psychic information in a way which can be felt, known, and understood.
To activate, and clear your chakras, imagine that your energy is grounding into the core of the Earth. As your energy is grounded to Earth, allow yourself to feel the incredible light of the planet, and notice that you are one with it, feel this and know that you are an integral part of the One Source Energy flowing throughout Earth and throughout All That Is.
Take another deep breath now as you now allow this light from the core of the Earth to begin flowing up and in through the bottom of your feet, opening, balancing, and healing all 7 chakras of your physical body, and as this light continues to lift up now above your crown chakra let your consciousness go with it, opening your higher energy centers and continuing to lift up above the light, and into direct presence and connection with Creative Source Energy, with God, and with the Divine.
When each of your chakras are spinning perfectly, aligned with their highest possible vibration, and with the Divine, you’re able to clearly translate the physic information you receive.
5. Uplift Your Vibration With Love and Light
Love is the master path of awakening, and of developing your psychic senses. Practice choosing love in the present moment.
Practice increasing your awareness, and doing things which you love and enjoy to increase your energetic signature, which will make opening to receive psychic information come through with increased clarity.
Choose love, respond with love, and call love in. This may seem simple, but love is a powerful step for developing your psychic abilities.
6. Practice
The best way to practice opening to your psychic skills and abilities is simply to be aware. Strive to increase your present moment perspective and awareness always.
When you first meet someone… How does their energy feel? The overall image of the thoughts they think, and how they perceive reality is held within their emotional atmosphere, and you can become aware of it. This can really help you to understand about people and where they are coming from… their unique perspective.
When your phone rings, before you look to see who it is, tune in… Who is it?
I would also recommend working to learn to see auras, of yourself, of trees, and others.
Another fun test is to pick up a magazine, and pick a page number. Say… Page 18.
Before you open the magazine, ask, what is on page 18?
Tune in…What information do you receive?
Does a certain color, element or shape come to mind? Is there a person or object on page 18?
Once you’ve taken a moment to tune in… Turn to page 18 and see what is really there.
Don’t be too harsh on yourself if you’re wrong, just have fun, practice, and you’ll get clearer and clearer.
Celebrate what you do get right, or what is close. This is a great way to practice and pay attention to how your intuition and psychic ability works.
The last time I tried this and all I got was blue… I then opened to the page and it was a whole page spread of a swimming pool. I didn’t judge, or say, ‘well you weren’t very specific’, I just thought, yes… cool, it’s blue!
Psychometry is another fun way to practice opening psychically. Have someone you know hold an object, and then hand it to you. Can you read the energy of the person who has touched the object (or the many people) before you? Tune into, feel, and trust the info and energy you receive.
7. Keep a Journal
Journaling is a great way to track your experiences, and see yourself progress. I recommend writing down both your spiritual experiences, as well as any realizations or premonitions you have in dreams.
Write down your experiences, and refer back to them from time to time. The very act of writing will help to reinforce what you’re learning and experiencing. If you’re in doubt.. Just write down some affirmations like;
“I’m profoundly psychic, I am now opening to my psychic abilities, I am closely connected to my guides and angels, I receive psychic insights and impressions.”
You may not believe these affirmations when you first write them down, but write them 100 times, and it will begin to feel more natural, and will start to manifest as well. Then be sure to write down any impressions you receive, or hunches you did act on that proved true, this way you can look back and see in moments of doubt, this is real… I am developing.
The more you become aware of, and listen to your psychic ability, gut feelings, and intuition, the clearer and the more real it will become.
Yoga, spiritual practices, and helping others through loving service (the path of love as mentioned above) are wonderful ways to accelerate your path in opening, remembering, and experiencing your psychic abilities.
The key is to pay attention, trust yourself, follow your heart, and raise your vibration to bring your unique psychic abilities into focus.
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Published with permission from Melanie at www.Ask-Angels.com
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